As part of the governance structure and decision making process of the college, the Academic Senate is an organization whose primary function is to make recommendations with respect to academic and professional matters. Specifically, these topics include (Ref. Title V, Sec. 53200 & District Policy 1520.2):
● Curriculum, including establishing prerequisites, and placing courses within disciplines.
● Degree and certificate requirements.
● Grading policies.
● Educational program development.
● Standards or policies regarding student preparation and success.
● District and college governance structures, as they relate to faculty roles.
● Faculty roles and involvement in accreditation processes, including self-study and annual reports
● Policies for faculty professional development activities.
● Processes for program review.
● Processes for institutional planning and budget development.
● Other academic and professional matters as mutually agreed upon between the Governing Board and the Academic Senate.
Recommendations Forwarded To:
Governing Board, College President, or College Council, as appropriate.
Note: If at any time the membership as stated differs from the Academic Senate Bylaws, the Bylaws will supersede this section:
President – elected annually
Immediate Past President – serves until replaced by current President
Division Senators – 2 years
At-Large Representatives – 2 years
Adjunct Senators – 1 year
Executive Committee:
Academic Senate President, Vice President, Immediate Past President and Treasurer.
Division Senators :
Division tenured and tenure-track faculty members < 20 = one elected senator.
Division tenured and tenure-track faculty members >20 = two elected senators.
At-large Representatives:
2 elected by and from the EVC tenured, contractual full time faculty and tenure-track faculty
Adjunct Representatives:
3 elected by and from the EVC adjunct faculty.
Committee Chair:
Academic Senate President elected by the faculty
Faculty Representatives:
President: Henry Estrada (Spring 2026)
Vice President: Kelly Nguyen-Jardin (Spring 2026)
Treasurer: David Hendricks (Spring 2026)
Division Senators:
Business & Workforce Development: Juan Gil (Spring 2026)
Counseling Services: Laura Garcia (Spring 2025)
Library & Learning Services: Tejal Naik (Spring 2026)
Language Arts: Kelly Nguyen-Jardin (Spring 2026), Sravani Banerjee (Spring 2025)
Math, Science, & Engineering: Mike Masuda (Spring 2025) / Melissa Hornstein (Spring 2026)
Nursing & Allied Health: Nancy Lin (Spring 2026)
SSHAPE: Eric Narveson (Spring 2025) / David Hendricks (Spring 2026)
At-Large: Charlie Kahn-Lomax (Spring 2025) / Grace Estrada (Spring 2026)
Associate Faculty: Binh Vo (Spring 2025) / Rahmon Pashtunyar (Spring 2026) / 1 vacancy
Standing Committees:
All-College Curriculum
Campus Technology
College Archives
College Budget
College Safety and Facilities
Distance Education
Institutional Effectiveness
Professional Development
Student Learning Outcomes Assessment
Student Equity
Past Presidents:
Garry Johnson / Fall 2021 - Spring 2024
Randy Pratt / Fall 2018 - Spring 2021
Eric Narveson / Fall 2011 - Spring 2018
Henry Gee / Fall 2005 - Spring 2011
Harry Lichtbach / Fall 2003 - Spring 2005
Jack Baker / Fall 2001 - Spring 2003
Nancy Zeiszler / Spring 1999 - Spring 2001
Kelley Wells / Fall 1998 - Spring 1999
Elisabeth Stauble / Fall 1997 - Spring 1998
Henry Estrada / Fall 1995 - Spring 1997
Bill Jacobs / Fall 1994 - Spring 1995
Leonard Washington / Fall 1992 - Spring 1994
Bill Jacobs / Fall 1988 - Spring 1992
Walter Soellner / Fall 1985 - Spring 1988
Bruce Carroll / Fall 1984 - Spring 1985
Dale Debold / Fall 1983 - Spring 1984
Walter Soellner / Fall 1981 - Spring 1983
Bernie Fradkin / Fall 1980 - Spring 1981
Ron Fischer / Fall 1979 - Spring 1980
Dale Debold / Spring 1978 - Spring 1979
Fred Berry / Fall 1977
John Payne / Spring 1977
Stock Cortez / Fall 1976
Dell Redding / Spring 1976
Herb Ford / Fall 1975
Current Minutes
Fall 2024 Approved Minutes:
Sep. 3, 2024
Sep. 17. 2024
Oct. 1. 2024
Oct 15, 2024
Nov 5, 2024
Meetings are held in-person every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, 3:00 – 5:00 pm. The Senate President, as defined in Academic Senate Bylaws, may call special meetings.
Fall 2024 - Senate Meeting:
September |
October |
November |
December |
Fall 2024 - Executive Meeting:
The Executive Team Meeting meets on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. at the Academic Senate Office.
August |
September |
October |
November |
Agenda Item Request:
Any additions to the Academic Senate meeting agenda can be requested by completing the form below. Requests are due on Mondays, a week prior to the scheduled Academic Senate meeting. This will be reviewed and discussed during the Executive Team Meeting, where the agenda is set.
You may submit your request at Agenda Item Request Form.
End of Semester Faculty Checklist:
Here are some links to help you complete a variety of tasks at the end of each semester.
1. Close out your course with a closing message to your students.
2. Export your grades to an Excel spreadsheet and save. Lock your Canvas course.
3. Rollover your Canvas Shells if the new shells are open for next semester.
4. Enter your final grades in Self-Service.
5. Enter your positive attendance if required in Self-Service.
6. Enter your SLO assessment reports in CurriQunet.