
Evergreen Valley College guides all students to pathways that reach their educational and career goals through equity-centered, innovative academic programs and support services.

By creating a learning environment where everyone feels welcomed and supported, we are committed to a culture of inquiry, growth, and respect that creates an equitable society in which all can participate and prosper.

President withthe men's and Women's Soccer Team

Administration & Leadership


Vinicio J. López - President

Matais Pouncil - Vice President of Academic Affairs​

Andrea Alexander - Vice President of Administrative Services

Howard Willis - ​ Vice President​ of Student Affairs 


Shara Crary - Nursing & Allied Health​​

Angel G. Fuentes - Business & Workforce Development, Non Credit, Dual Enrollment 

Victor G. Garza​ - ​Student Success/Counseling

Robert Gutierrez - Language Arts 

​Antoinette Herrera - Library & Learning Resources, Math, Science and Engineering

Sam Morgan - Enrollment Services

Sean Stewart - ​Social Science, Arts, Kinesiology, and Athletics


Niall Adler- Marketing & Public Relations

Janice Assadi - Student Health Services​

​Ebonnie Berry - Financial Aid

Teresa De La Cruz - Special Programs

Michael Osorio -  Student  Services & Wellness

Sean Stewart - Athletics

Kathy Tran - Business Services ​

Vacant- Student Development & Activities


Vincent Cabada - Facilities Manager

Michael Casares - Business Services

Juan Manriquez - TRIO Upward Bound

Phong Nguyen - Campus Technology Support Services

Tina Nguyen - Academic Services

Brandon Yanari (Interim) - TRIO Talent Search

Vacant – Custodial


Andrea Alexander

Vice President

Student Services Complex - A - 1015

Matais D. Pouncil

Vice President

Student Services Complex - A - 2039

Howard Willis

Vice President

Student Services Complex - A - 2039