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Thank you for visiting our calendar and deadlines page. Below you will find the most up-to-date information on registration dates, last days to add and drop classes, when the semester starts and ends, important campus holidays, and other critical dates and deadlines such as commencement and when you can access your grades.
For any questions or support, feel free to contact our team.

2025 Summer / Fall Registration Dates
4/7/25 | GROUP 1 | Registration begins for EOP&S, DSP, Veterans, CalWORKs Foster Youth, and Student Parents (AB 2881). |
4/10/25 |
Registration begins for EVC FYE, Honors Program & Continuing Students with less than 100- degree applicable units and HAVE MET the Student Success mandates (multiple measures placement + orientation + Ed plan) |
4/14/25 |
Registration begins for continuing students with less than 100-degree applicable units and who HAVE NOT MET the Student Success mandates (multiple measures placement + orientation + educational plan) |
4/16/25 |
Registration begins for the Early Admission Program (EAP), students with 100 or more degree- applicable units including students on academic dismissal and/or probation II status, returning students who skipped one semester, and continuing High School Students. |
4/21/25 | OPEN | Open Registration (Including New High School Students) |
5/01/25 | Veterans Certification of Benefits Deadline for EVC continuing students to ensure VA housing allowance for Summer& Fall 2025. |
2025 Summer Dates
Students enrolled in summer short‐term classes (less than 6 weeks) should drop by the first scheduled class meeting to avoid receiving a “W” and being charged registration fees. |
6/18/25 | LAST DAY TO DROP Summer classes for a refund or credit of eligible fees (most sections). |
06/19/25 | Juneteenth Holiday – campus closed |
06/22/25 | LAST DAY TO DROP Summer Classes without receiving a “W” (Most sections by 10 pm.) LAST DAY TO ADD with an Add Authorization in Self-Service (most sections by 10 pm). |
06/23/25 | Census Day (most sections) First Day of Withdrawal “W” period for Summer classes |
06/30/25 | LAST DAY TO APPLY for a refund of enrollment fees if classes were dropped on or before June 18,2025 (most section). LAST DAY TO SUBMIT Credit/No Credit forms to the Office of Admissions and Records. |
07/04/25 | Independence Day - campus closed |
07/14/25 | LAST DAY TO DROP Summer Classes with “W” (most sections) |
07/31/25 | Summer 2025 grades are due on Student Self-Service from faculty by 5:00 pm. |
08/01/25 | Veterans Certification of Benefits Deadline for new students to ensure VA housing allowance for Fall 2025 |
08/01/25 | SUMMER 2025 grades are available online at Student Self Service |
2025 Fall Dates
Students enrolled in fall short‐term classes (less than 16 weeks) should drop by the first scheduled class meeting to avoid receiving a “W” and being charged registration fees. |
8/30-8/31/25 | No Classes Held. |
09/01/25 | Labor Day - campus closed |
09/07/25 | LAST DAY TO DROP Fall session classes without receiving a “W” on record or being assessed fees. (most sections by 10pm)LAST DAY TO DROP Fall session classes with eligibility for a refund of registration fees. (most sections by 10pm) |
09/08/25 | CENSUS DAY (most sections) FIRST DAY of Withdrawal “W” period for a Fall semester class |
09/29/25 | LAST DAY TO APPLY for a refund of enrollment fees if classes were dropped on or before September 7, 2025. (most sections) LAST DAY TO SUBMIT Credit/No Credit forms to the Office of Admissions and Records |
10/17/25 | Graduation/Certificate Petitions for Fall 2025 due in the Office of Admissions and Records |
11/8-11/9/25 | No Classes Held. |
11/10/25 | Veteran’s Day - campus closed |
11/13/25 | LAST DAY TO DROP Fall session classes and receive a “W” on record (most sections) |
11/27- 11/30/25 |
Thanksgiving Holiday – campus closed |
12/05/25 | English Final Exams - no regular day classes meet. Friday evening classes will meet as scheduled. |
12/11/25 | FALL SESSION ENDS |
12/18/25 | FALL 2025 grades are due on Student Self Service from faculty by 5:00 pm. |
12/19/25 | FALL 2025 grades are available online at Student Self Service |
2025 Spring Dates
Students enrolled in short-term classes (<3 weeks) should drop by the first scheduled class meeting to avoid receiving a “W” and being charged registration fees. | |
11/4/2024 | Priority Registration begins |
2/9/25 |
LAST DAY TO DROP Spring REGULAR classes without receiving a “W” on record or being charged fees. * LAST DAY TO DROP Spring REGULAR classes for a refund/credit of registration fees. * LAST DAY TO ADD with an Add Authorizations from the instructor for Spring REGULAR classes. * *For most sections by 10 pm |
2/10/25 | CENSUS DAY. FIRST DAY of Withdrawal with “W” for a Spring REGULAR semester class (for most sections) |
2/14-2/17/25 | President’s Day Holiday- Campus Closed |
3/14/25 | Professional Development Day – no classes held |
3/21/25 | Graduation/Certificate Petitions for Spring/Summer 2025 due to A&R. |
4/14-4/18/25 | Spring Break – no classes held |
4/17-4/18/25 | Native American Day & Cesar Chavez Day – Campus Closed |
4/19-4/20/25 | No classes held |
4/24/25 | LAST DAY TO DROP Spring REGULAR session classes and receive a “W” on record (for most sections). |
5/16/25 | English final exams - no REGULAR day classes meet. Friday evening classes will meet as scheduled. |
5/22/25 | Evergreen Valley College Commencement. |
5/26/25 | Memorial Day – Campus Closed |
6/02/25 | Spring 2025 grades due from the faculty by 5:00PM |
6/03/25 | Spring Session 2025 grades available online at SelfService |