Our EVC Maxient Commitment:
EVC is a Caring Campus. The holistic wellbeing of all individuals including students, staff, and faculty, within our district community is a significant priority. We are committed to fostering a safe, equitable, and positive learning environment where all students can pursue their career or educational goals and participate in college-sponsored activities, and a safe, equitable, and positive working environment for our amazing staff and faculty.

What is Maxient?
Maxient is a centralized reporting and record keeping system that helps EVC connect the dots and prevent students from falling through the cracks. Whether it’s student discipline, academic integrity, care and concern records, student rights and grievances, Title IX matters, or just an “FYI”, Maxient helps ensure EVC remains a caring campus by helping to coordinate the efforts of various departments to provide timely follow-up and support to students, staff, and faculty.
The following Maxient forms can be used to provide information or report issues or concerns within our EVC community to ensure the above EVC Maxient commitment is met
Maxient Forms:
Student Misconduct Reporting Form
Student Misconduct Reporting Form – This form should be used to report any alleged violations of the SJECCD Standards of Student Conduct.
Title IX and Discrimination
Title IX and Discrimination – This form should be used to report all complaints of discrimination including:
National Origin, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Ethnic Group Identification, Language/Accent Ancestry, Color, Marital Status, Disability (physical or mental), Race, Immigration Status, Gender Identity, Retaliation, Age, Veteran Status, or Medical condition
Or incidents involving: Stalking, sexual misconduct, sexual exploitation, or sexual harassment/discrimination
General Complaints and Student Grievance
General Complaints and Student Grievance – This form should be used to report general complaints and/or student grievances related to financial aid, course grades, or the exercise of rights of free expression/speech.
Student Support Referral Form
Student Support Referral Form– This form was known as the Student of Concern Report. Submitting this form notifies campus personnel about individuals who may experiencing distress or difficulty and may need additional support and assistance.
Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Form
Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Form - This form should be used to report 508 Compliance complaints, concerns, and grievances.
Report of Accessibility Issues
Report of Accessibility Issues – This incident reporting form should be used to report accessibility issues while at any District owned property.