

The College Council is a representative council (administration; faculty; classified staff; students) that advises the College President. Specifically, the Council will:

  • Develop and Maintain College Council Timeline Review/Record/Implement and disseminate college procedures as they relate to Shared Governance.
  • Provide college-wide input on shared governance issues through review and discussion.
  • Serve as EVC’s main policy body that forwards recommendations on shared governance issues.
  • Make recommendations to the College President provided by the Shared Governance Committees.
  • Disseminate accurate and timely budget recommendations.
  • Oversee development and implementation of strategic planning.
  • Assure that strategic planning occurs as a result of campus-wide input
  • Assure that initiatives are implemented in a timely manner and are revised regularly, based on assessment and the needs of the college.
  • Assures that the Mission, Vision and Values of the College are reviewed and revised at regular intervals.
  • Maintain/Implement Shared Governance Decision Making Handbook. Exchange information among governance groups.

Recommendations Forwarded To

  • College President


College Council Membership:

  • One Faculty Association Representative (chosen by Faculty Association Constituents)
  • Two Academic Senate Representatives (Current President and one chosen by AS Constituents)
  • Three MSCC Representatives (appointed by the college President)
  • Three Classified Professionals Representatives  (Classified Senate President, one appointed by the Classified Senate and one appointed by CSEA leadership)
  • Three Representatives from Associated Student Government (chosen by ASG leadership)

Ex Officio Members:

  • College President
  • Vice President Academic Affairs
  • Vice President, Administrative Services
  • Vice President, Student Affairs


  • Two Years


  • To be selected from among the Council members

Meetings Schedule

  • 4th Monday​ of each month, 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 ​p.m.


  • Meetings are open to any interested member of the College community. Please refer to the Operational Rules for all Open Committees. Anyone who wishes the College Council to address an issue should either contact their representative or chair to place the item on the agenda.


Fall Semester, 1993


