College and Safety Facilities


The purpose of the College Safety/Facilities Planning Committee is to:

  • Promote college culture of safety by supporting campus safety education and training.
  • Review and make recommendations regarding procedures related to safety.
  • Ensure a clear mechanism for individuals to report safety/facility issues, providing regular communications to the campus where the information is located.
  • Review and make recommendations on bond projects to be included in the Facilities Master Plan, including prioritization of new buildings.
  • Review major facilities remodeling projects and assign priorities and timelines for completion of such projects.
  • Review and make recommendations on the efficient and effective utilization of college facilities.

Recommendations Forwarded to

  • College Council


  • Classified (4)
  • MSCC (4)
  • Associated Students (2)
  • Faculty (8) – One from each division as determined by the College Academic Senate.  If a division is unable fill their designated slot on the committee, said slot will be made available as an "at-large" faculty representative, as determined by the College Academic Senate. 
    • Business & Workforce Development
    • Counseling & Matriculation
    • Language Arts
    • Library and Learning Resources
    • Math, Science, & Engineering
    • Nursing & Allied Health
    • Social Science, Humanities, Arts, & PE
    • At-Large (elected by the Academic Senate)
  • Vice President, Administrative Services (as part of job responsibilities)
  • District Non-Voting/Ex Officio Members – District Director of Facilities & Bond Program, District Contracts & Risk Manager, District Chief of Police, and District Lieutenant.


To be selected from among the committee members.  

Faculty reassigned time.


  • All members are elected/appointed for one year, renewable by appropriate constituent group.


  • 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month, 1:30-3:00 pm


  • Open to any interested member of the college community

*Please refer to the Shared Governance Handbook for Operational Rules for all Open Committees.

SFC Highlights as of 11.09.2022

  1. Goals for SFC for 2022-2023 Academic Year:
    • Engage in discussions with Key Personal (Ex. Chief of Police, VP Administrative Services and District AVC) for updates on campus development/upgrade. 
    • Evaluate and provide feedback on Facilities and Safety.
    • Communicate Safety and Facilities Initiatives to EVC campus.
    • Develop a system for safety and facility concerns.
    • Update SFC webpage and documents. 
  2. Before the end of the Spring 2022, the SFC reviewed and provided recommendations to enhance the pedestrian crosswalk by LETC and Cedro Building.  Crosswalk signage and lighting will be enhanced in upcoming projects in-front of LETC and Cedro.  EVC now has 2 locations that allow drivers to drop-off/pick-up passengers.  Locations: between Auto Tech Building & Parking Lot 3 and behind VPA Building in Parking Lot 9.


1983 OSHA Committee

1986 Safety Committee

1999 Campus Safety/ADA Committee

2006 College Safety combined with Facilities Committee


Vincent A. Cabada​