The purpose of the Distance Education Committee (DEC) is to oversee and guide the college by providing training and implementation of all the online and hybrid courses across the curriculum and programs. The committee shapes the college's approach to create robust and quality online learning by implementing Common Course Management System (CCMS). The committee strives to support a campus culture to create innovative and cost-effective solutions to overcome the challenges in Distance Education (DE).
Specifically, this committee will:
- Provide guidance in identifying appropriate approval process of online and hybrid courses.
- Provide campus-wide training utilizing the Online Education Initiatives (OEI) Rubric.
- Promote CCMS and OEI Rubric through division/departments and campus activities.
- Provide input to the online evaluation form(s) (ex: online courses and faculty).
- Provide input to the Distance Education Plan.
Academic Senate supports DEC work by:
- Actively contributing to the culture of online and hybrid learning while helping to lead campus efforts to increase DE courses.
- Supporting OEI assessment activities by participating in assessments, and adopting best practices rubric and the CCMS to offer GE courses through the State of California Exchange program.
- Reporting back to divisions, and linking with the DE policies of the State of California.
Recommendations Forwarded to
Academic Senate
Approved by AS: 11/16/2021
Faculty (7) - one from each division as determined by the division
Adjunct Faculty (1) - from EVC adjunct faculty
Administrator at Large (2) – Deans, VPAA, appointed by President
Classified (2) -
CTSS (1)
Curriculum Chair or designee (1)
At large (1) – EVC faculty
Past Coordinator (1)
Student representative(1) - nonvoting member
DE Faculty coordinator elected by DE committee members
Term: All members are elected/appointed for two years, renewable by appropriate constituent group.
Attendance: The committee may elect to enforce the three consecutive unexcused absences as a term of vacancy but must make reasonable attempts to contact the member prior to announcing the vacancy to the appropriate constituency
Meeting Schedule
2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month, 3:00pm-4:30pm
Fall 2024 meeting dates: 9/10, 9/24, 10/8, 10/22, 11/12, 11/26.
Ebonnie Berry (MSE)
Grace Estrada (Curriculum Chair)
Angel Fuentes (DE Dean)
Michael Ghebreab(STEM)
Maggie Glover(NAH)
Pat James (Associate Faculty at large)
Shashi Naidu (Classified)
Tejal Naik (Chair)
Phong (Ken) Nguyen (CTSS)
Ly-Huong Pham (BWF)
Nasreen Rahim (Past DE Chair/Coordinator)
Raquel Rojas (LA)
Will Thai (COUN)
Patricia Tirado(SSHAPE)