

Welcome to the Office of Student Life! We want you to feel like you are part of the EVC community – and the Office of Student Life is here to create a nurturing campus environment that enhances your experience with us. We are the hub of campus events and activities and often collaborate with other EVC departments, programs, and organizations to help you engage and connect. 

Develop your leadership skills, join the Associated Student Government, or one of the many clubs on campus. If you want to start your own club, we can help with that, too. No matter what level of participation you are aiming for, we are here to support and empower you.


Students dancing

Vendor Information.

All off-campus organizations who wish to solicit information on the College campus must have prior approval from the Vice President of Student Affairs. NO off-campus organizations will be permitted to distribute information, collect information or sell anything on college property without prior approval and written permit.​  To learn more, please contact the Vice President of Student Affairs at (408) 223-6738 or by email at howard.willis@evc.edu.


Congratulations Graduates!

Upcoming Graduation events and reminders will be updated on this site, sent to you via text and email, and posted on the EVC Student Life Instagram, and Official Evergreen Valley College Instagram and Facebook Accounts. 

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Student Affairs at (408) 223-6738 or email studentlife@evc.edu

2025 Graduation information coming soon...

smiling student in cap and gown

Associated Student Government (ASG).

The Associated Student Government (ASG) is responsible for promoting campus-wide activities, offering club support, encouraging involvement in the school and the community, and creating a friendly environment to meet academic goals. ASG represents the entire EVC student body and speaks on their behalf on a local, state, and national level to ensure the collective voice is heard and student needs are met. 

Student Clubs.

Join or Start A Student Club!

Student life at EVC has something for everyone! Below is a list of our active student organizations. Check them out and get involved! Interested in starting your own student organization? Use the forms found underneath the Club Info section to learn about the process or contact the Office of Student Life.

ASG Members

Club Names.


President: Krish Dewan
Meetings Held: 

Club Advisor: Celso Batalha
Email: Krishdewan2007@gmail.com

Art & Design Organization (Art Club) 

President: Idalia Gutierrez
Meetings Held: Every Wednesday 12:15pm in VPA115

Club Advisor: Rachel Lazo 

Email: evcadoartclub@gmail.com

Astronomy, Rocketry, Robotics, and Other Worlds (ARROW)

President: Vicky Nelson
​Meetings Held: Thursday 1:45pm in MS115

Club Advisor: Mike Masuda &  Celso Batalha
Email: ​evcarrowclub@gmail.com

EVC Badminton Club

President: Vy Nguyen
Meetings Held:  Tuesday/Wednesday 2:30-5:30pm

Club Advisor: Mitch Kothe
Email: evcbclub@gmail.com

Business Economics Entrepreneurship Finance Club

President: Krischelle Aurelio
Meetings Held: 

Advisor: Malkiat Sandhu
Email: EVC.Economics@outlook.com


Biology Club

President: Briana Bordon

Club Advisor: Dr.Darcy Ernst and Dr. Adam Green
Email: evcbiologyclub@gmail.com

Our mission is to advocate for the students at Evergreen Valley College and provide a community that stimulates learning about the various aspects in the field of biology. We plan to accomplish these goals through community work, sustainability projects, and biology centered events.

EVC Fitness Club

President: Brady Gho
​Meetings Held: TBA

Club Advisor: Felicia Perez & Simon Cook
Email: evcfitnessclub@gmail.com

The Fitness Club is rooted in the belief fitness is for everyone. Our mission is to provide an environment that allows people to connect with other athletes, build fitness routines, and foster a love for exercise. Through EVC Fitness Club we hope to help individuals overcome personal challenges, develop resilience, and foster a sense of community that uplifts and supports every member in their journey toward a better self. 


Civic Engagement Organization

President: Shayla Alvarez
Meetings Held: 

About Us: 


Andres Quintero  
Club Email: 

EVC Computer Science Club 

President: Zakaria Kortam
Meetings Held: We meet weekly in-person on Tuesdays from 3:45pm to 5:00pm.

Club Advisor: Henry Estrada & Kathy Jenson
Email: admin@evccsc.org

A club dedicated to providing an inclusive and educational experience in order to empower students technologically.



ENLACE Student Association 

​Meetings Held: 

Club Advisor: Mayra Garcia
Email: ​esa.evc@gmail.com

Evergreen Nursing Student Association (ENSA) 

President: ​Alli Gonzalez ​

Meetings Held: 

Club Advisor: Peter Miskin
Email: evcensa1964@gmail.com

Honors Club

President: Ethan Lau
Meetings Held: Wednesday at 3:15pm in MS296

Club Advisor: David Hendricks 
Email: evcthehonorsclub@gmail.com

About Us: The Honors Club provides leadership opportunities and host school events based on our members' interests and passions. We help build campus culture and a positive environment. 

International Students Association

President: My Nguyen 

​Meetings Held: Tuesdays​ at 2:30 in the International Student Office​

Club Advisor:  Tina Iniguez & Sam Morgan
Email:​ evcisaclub@gmail.co​m​

Journalism Club

President: Vivek Sharma
​​Meetings Held: TBA

Club Adviso​r: Elizabeth Eckford
Email: evcjournalismclub@gmail.com

EVC Journalism Website

The EVC Journalism Club aims to develop the journalism scene at EVC and develop EVC own student run newspaper, covering news at EVC and its surrounding areas.

Muslim Student Association

President: Zakaria Kortam

Meetings Held: 

Club Advisor: Bhawana Mishra
Email:​ Admin@evcmsa.org

A club dedicated to connecting and empowering Muslim students, as well as representing Muslim students to community. 

Math Club

President: Pranav Ballapuram
Meetings Held: 12:45pm-1:45pm on Fridays in Acacia AB-201

About Us: The Math Club helps prepare students for the AMATYC Contest, a math contest held each year at community colleges nationwide. Last year EVC came first in the entire country in the AMATYC contest.

Advisor: Parran Vanniasegaram  
Club Email: sithparran.vanniasegaram@evc.edu 


President: IIham Tokhi
Meetings Held: Every Tuesday 12pm in Gullo II

About Us: The purpose of MedPulse is to bridge the educational gap for aspiring medical & health professionals from diverse and underserved communities. We aim to create a nurturing and inclusive environment that offers academic resources, mentorship, and community service opportunities. Our initiatives are designed to prepare our members to become compassionate, competent, and socially responsible healthcare leaders of tomorrow

Advisor: Preeti Srinivasan 
Club Email: medpulse.evc@gmail.com 

EVC Music Club

President: Donna Bui
Meetings Held:

Club Advisor: Maryam Farshadfar
Email:​ evcmusicclub2@gmail.com

Society for the Advancement of Chicano and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)

President:Joshua Marquez
Meetings Held: Thursdays at 4:30 in AE-142Advisor: Al Gonzalez​ & Shanna Erickson

​​The mission of SACNAS (Society for the Advancement of Chicano and Native Americans in Science) at Evergreen Valley College is to guide students in attaining an advanced degree in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics for the purpose of sharing wisdom to​ ​​​the community.​​​​

Vietnamese Student Association (VSA)

President: Bao C Truong
Meetings Held: 

Advisor: Khanh-Hoa Nguyen-Wong 
President Email: catbuikiepnguoi@gmail.com  



President: Maddy Seto
Meetings Held: 

About Us: 

Advisor: Darcy Ernest 
Club Email: 


Howard Willis

Vice President

Student Services Complex - A - 2039

John Ruys

Adjunct Faculty / LGBTQ+ Program Coordinator

Joshua Marquez

Program Specialist

Gullo I

See all our staff