Wellness Services.
The Wellness program offers personal counseling, case management and crisis support services to students by experienced mental health clinicians. We are committed to offering assistance to students who need help to overcome emotional barriers to achieving their educational goals and well-being.
Wellness Services are available to all currently registered students at EVC. Personal Counseling, Crisis Support, and Care Management services are available Monday through Thursday, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For non-life-threatening, mental health crisis, please check in at the Student Health Clinic (S-1041) during hours of operations. For non-life-threatening mental health crisis outside hours of operation please call 988. For life threatening emergencies, please call campus police at x6468 or 911.

Mental Health Services During Winter & Summer Intercession
Please note that during the Winter & Summer Intercession, our program does not accept new clients nor offers therapy services during these times. If you need immediate support, we encourage you to use the crisis resources listed below or contact Think Hopeful for FREE mental health support and coaching.
If you’re interested in counseling services at EVC, we invite you to sign up by visiting Student Health & Wellness Services in the Student Services Complex or by calling (408) 270-6480 when the semester begins.
EVC Wellness Resources for Students
Crisis Support
At Student Health & Wellness Services, your safety and well-being are our top priorities. While our mental health program offers support and guidance, we are not a crisis response team nor are we first responders.
If you or someone you know are experiencing an emergency (imminent danger of harm to yourself or others).
- On Campus: Call Campus Police at (408) 270-6468.
- Off Campus: Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
If you are someone you know are experiencing a mental health crisis such as thoughts of harm to yourself or others where there is non-imminent danger of harm to self or others.
- Call Mobile Crisis at 988
- Text "COURAGE" to 741741 to connect with a trained crisis counselor
- Submit a Student Support Referral Form via Maxient.
- Or check-in at the Wellness Services front desk during hours of operation
Remember, help is always available. Seeking support is a sign of strength, and we encourage you to connect with these trusted resources.

Personal Counseling.
Personal counseling is provided on a limited basis to students who seek assistance in resolving personal, relational, self-identity, or health-related problems which are limiting or interfering with the student’s ability to successfully pursue a college education. We offer weekly, therapeutic support in different modalities (individual, couples, and group sessions) to students with culturally and ethnically diverse backgrounds, who may be experiencing some of the following concerns:
• Work and College Stress
• Anxiety and Depression
• Drug/Alcohol Problems
• Loss and Grief
• Life Changes
• Family Problems
• Relationship Issues
• Adjustment Issues
Confidential counseling is provided under the supervision of a licensed clinician in a safe environment. Services may be requested through Student Health and Wellness Services (S-1041) or by calling (408) 270-6480.
Care Management.
Care Management serves students by coordinating prevention, intervention, and support services across campus and community to assist students facing crises, life problems, and other barriers that may impede their personal and academic stability and success.
The Care Manager may work with students in any, or all, of the following ways:
- Support students in managing a crisis, emotional distress or other urgent mental health concerns
- Arrange for appropriate medical or mental health care
- Support students in complying with treatment plans and/or college behavioral expectations
- Provide crisis support and intervention
- Foster self-advocacy in students to manage their academic and personal responsibilities
- Advocate for students individually and systemically
- Assist students who may need concurrent support from on-campus services as well as community resources
Case Management is open for immediate/urgent matters and appointments on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- To make an appointment or see a case manager for urgent matters, Please check in at Student Health & Wellness Services or call 408-270-6480.
- If there is a life-threatening emergency on campus, call Campus Police at x6468; if you are off campus, call 911.

The Nest
The Nest is a free student spa service here on campus, which offers (20-minute) individual relaxation sessions.
Inside The Nest you are free to enjoy our:
- Massage Chair
- Coffee
- Tea
- Aroma Therapy
- Buddha Board
- Eye Mask
- Tabletop Zen Garden
These services are designed, for you to take a moment to unwind and find a little peace of mind.
Coming Spring 2025!!!
For these services, please contact our Wellness Specialist:
McTate Stroman II
Email: McTate.Stroman@evc.edu
Phone: (408) 274-7900 x6217

10 Things to Know About Personal Counseling at EVC
- Mental health and wellness counseling is available to all registered students. We serve students of all different ethnicities, cultures, and backgrounds, with all different presenting issues. Here are some examples among many other things that college students experience:
- Relationship distress
- Depression and/or Anxiety
- Family relationships and conflicts
- Stress Management and Coping
- Self-image, Identity and Self-esteem issues
- Grief and Loss
- Sexual Trauma
- Talking with a personal counselor does not mean that you have serious psychological problems - it just means that you would like to talk to someone in a safe, neutral setting about what's going on in your life. It is a healthy decision and a sign of strength!
- Counselors do not give advice or claim to be an expert on your life. Counseling should be collaborative, respectful, and strength-based.
- There are definite benefits to ongoing counseling and at times, it may bring up difficult emotions as well. This is part of the process of healing and making beneficial changes which require time and hard work.
- Psychological Services are confidential so we can provide a safe place. We cannot even share with others that a student is participating in counseling. There are a few exceptions to confidentiality however, which will be discussed with you when you come in.
- Student can call the Student Health Center at (408) 270-6480 to make their own appointments. Their name and contact number is taken down on a confidential list and a counselor will call them back to set up an appointment.
- All sessions are provided by either licensed staff or registered Associates, working under the supervision of a licensed therapist. Appointments for ongoing sessions are usually available between the hours of 9am to 5pm, Monday through Thursday.
- If you are experiencing extreme distress and/or have an urgent mental health concern and you cannot wait for an appointment, please call or stop by Student Health Center, (408) 270-6480 to see our Case Manager who is available Monday/Tuesday & Thursday. Please note that in case of emergency, you would still need to call Campus Police at (408) 270-6468.
- We refer students to community agencies and link them to community resources when needed.
Wellness Presentation Request
Class Presentation:
• What: in-class presentation on EVC Wellness campus initiatives
• Focus audience: EVC students
• Duration: 5-7 minutes
• Occurrence: dependent upon frequency of requests
• Purpose: to advise Wellness services and support students in accessing mental health care
Division/Department Presentation:
• What: in-person presentations offered during EVC division meetings
• Focus audience: EVC faculty, EVC staff, leadership (e.g., Deans, Directors, etc.)
• Duration: 5-7 mins
• Occurrence: 1-2 / semester
• Purpose: to promote awareness of Wellness services/best wellness practices to support our students
Community Outreach:
• What: in-person outreach events for local community members/organizations
• Focus audience: San Jose community partners (e.g., Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services)
• Duration: 1-2 hours
• Occurrence: by request
• Purpose: to promote EVC Wellness services and offer information on support programs in order to attenuate any apprehension about attending community college
For these services, please contact our Wellness Specialist: McTate Stroman II
Email: McTate.Stroman@evc.edu Phone: (408) 274-7900 x6217
Crisis Support
At Student Health & Wellness Services, your safety and well-being are our top priorities. While our mental health program offers support and guidance, we are not a crisis response team nor are we first responders.
If you are someone you know are experiencing an emergency (imminent danger of harm to yourself or others).
- On Campus: Call Campus Police at (408) 270-6468.
- Off Campus: Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
If you are someone you know are experiencing a mental health crisis such as thoughts of harm to yourself or others where there is non-imminent danger of harm to self or others.
- Call Mobile Crisis at 988
- Text "COURAGE" to 741741 to connect with a trained crisis counselor
- Submit a Student Support Referral Form via Maxient.
- Or check-in at the Wellness Services front desk during hours of operation
Remember, help is always available. Seeking support is a sign of strength, and we encourage you to connect with these trusted resources.
Wellness Resources for COVID-19
- Active Minds:Coping and Staying Emotionally Well During COVID-19 and other wellness resources for students.
- The California Community Colleges Health & Wellness collated resources to help college faculty, staff, administrators, and students support their wellness, health, basic needs, and wellness.
- Anxiety and Depression Association of America Psychologist provides some science-based strategies and tips for coping with COVID-19 anxiety.
Stress and Anxiety Resources
- Anxiety Sisters: Anxiety specific resources for free including a red "panic button" you can click during a severe anxiety episode and a recording will talk you down.
- Support Groups Central: Virtual Support Groups for numerous wellness conditions as well as free and low cost online therapy also available in Spanish.
- 10 Ways to Build Your Resilience: Read this article from Verywell about ways to build your resilience
Drug & Alcohol Resources
- Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centers in San Jose: Free and confidential rehab centers in San Jose, CA featuring professionals who can help get you or a loved one in the right facility depending upon your needs.
Meditation, Mindfulness & Coping Resources
- How to Deal with Stress: Check out this article from innerbody research that features ways to cope with stress.
- Psych Central: Resources on ADHD, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Depression & PTSD.
Wellness Training & Other Resources
- Guide for College Students Wellness: Guide to mental health provided by Affordable Colleges Online
- CCC Health & Wellness: Resources, best practices, and opportunities from California Community Colleges Health & Wellness
- CCC Health & Wellness News: News and announcements from the California Community Colleges Health & Wellness program
Learn More About Mental Health & Wellness
Check out these videos from PsychHub to learn more about mental health:
AnxietyWhat is AnxietyBelly Breathing for Anxiety Episodes, Breathing for Anxiety - YouTube
DepressionWhat is Depressed MoodWhat is AnhedoniaLiving with Depression
SuicidalityWhat is Suicidal Ideation
What is Self-Harm -
Poor SleepSleep & Mental Health
Sleep Difficulty -
Poor ConcentrationInability to Concentrate
What is ADHD -
Eating DisordersWhat is an Eating Disorder
Eating Disorder Signs -
Substance UseSubstance Use Disorder
Phone: 408.270.6480
Fax: 408.532.1831
Location: S-1041
Student Services Center
Kara U. Has, Psy. D
Crisis Support / Care Manager
Jaelien Pinheiro, Psy. D
Mental Health & Wellness Coordinator
Bunthy Prum, LCSW
Adjunct Case Manager
Pavandeep Sandhu, LMFT
Adjunct Mental Health Counselor
Elizabeth Zapien, LMFT
Adjunct Mental Health Counselor
McTate Stroman II
Health & Wellness Program Specialist
Gina Bonanno
Office Assistant