We recognize that secure access to food and housing is essential to academic success in higher education and must, therefore, be treated as a top educational priority. We advance a campus culture of caring that recognizes that students are humans first. We exemplify this commitment in our public statements and in our daily work by addressing the structural poverty that created this basic needs security crisis. We use data and evidence to drive our efforts to reduce food and housing insecurity and seek to impact as many of our students as possible.
This page is intended to provide EVC Faculty and Staff with Resources to support EVC's Basic Needs Initiatives.

Resources to Support Students
Canvas Resources For Faculty
With a special thank you to Professor Bhawana Mishra, faculty are encouraged to access the following Canvas Site to learn how to incorporate information about Basic Needs Resources into your Canvas Course Shell:
EVC Students' Basic Needs - Faculty and Staff Resources
This public Canvas site contains a few resources that will help address our students' basic needs:
- Student Support Resources (Content Page for Orientation)
- Tech Support (Content Page for Orientation)
- Student Support Survey (Beginning of Semester Survey)
- Student Support Question for "Syllabus Quiz"
- Buttons for Canvas Page Announcements
- Classroom Activities to Support Basic Needs
Employee Basic Needs Presentation for the 2024-2025 Academic Year
Missed out on our Basic Needs PDD Presentation or need a refresher? Click here for our Basic Needs Presentation which provides a detailed look at all of the current services available for students and ways that you as Faculty and Staff can assist with Basic Needs Initiatives on Campus.
FRESH Assistance Application
Our goal is to provide an easy way for students to access various on-campus basic needs services and resources.
The FRESH Assistance Application is meant to connect students with on- and off-campus resources such as: housing, food, mental health, childcare, transportation needs, emergency funding, technology needs, county services and programs, and other basic needs services and resources.
If you know of a student who can benefit from accessing one or more of our services, please refer them to us at fresh@evc.edu or complete this application and we will reach out directly to the student within 48 hours. If this is an emergency situation, please email the Basic Needs Coordinator america.minjares@evc.edu
What are the EVC Basic Needs Initiatives?
You will hear the term FRESH on campus often. So what does it mean? FRESH stands for Free, Resources, and Education to Stop Hunger and Homelessness. We have multiple ways to provide support to our students including:
If students are in of need financial assistance to buy groceries, the CalFresh program can help. It is a nutrition assistance program sponsored by USDA that helps people purchase healthy foods. Benefits are loaded on an EBT card, which functions like a debit card that can be used at most grocery stores and participating local Farmer's Markets throughout Santa Clara County. Homeless, elderly, or disabled persons may purchase prepared meals from participating restaurants with their EBT cards
Visit our CalFresh Page for more information.
Did you know that over 50% of students at Evergreen Valley College have reported being food insecure within the past month?
The Evergreen Valley College F.R.E.S.H (Food, Resources, and Education to Stop Hunger) Market was established to provide immediate food needs of EVC students by providing a variety of non-perishable food items. The F.R.E.S.H Market provides grab-and-go options (granola bars, microwavable soups and noodles, etc.) and other options ( milk, eggs, frozen protein such as chicken, boxed cereal, canned goods, etc.) that may require students to prepare. The market is maintained in partnership with the Office of Student Life, the Associated Student Government, Second Harvest Food Bank, and New Seasons Market.
Services Available:
- CalFresh Application
- Fresh Groceries
- Baby Food
- Grocery Gift Cards (*limited amount)
EVC Second Harvest Food Distribution
In partnership with Second Harvest Silicon Valley, EVC offers a FREE food distribution that is open to all currently enrolled students and community members. The distribution takes place on the First and Third Friday of every month inside Parking Lot 1 from 9:30 am-11:00 am. Students can access Parking Lot 1 through the San Felipe entrance of campus.
Students and community members must RSVP in advance. Students and community members can RSVP for Future Distributions
EVC FRESH Farmer's Market
In collaboration with Second Harvest of Silicon Valley, join EVC every second and fourth Thursday of the month for our EVC FRESH Farmer's Market Day from 9:30 am-1:00 pm inside of Central Green. The FRESH Farmer's Market Day is a free farmer's market where students and EVC Faculty/Staff can receive an assortment of fresh produce, milk, eggs, and other items. In addition, CalFresh Student Ambassadors are stationed throughout the event and are ready to answer questions about CalFresh, student exemption eligibility, or provide students assistance with completing their CalFresh application. Students who participate in the EVC FRESH Farmer's Market Days and complete a CalFresh application on-site, also receive coupons to use at participating farmer's markets within Santa Clara County.
It is recommended that students bring tote bags, grocery bags, or carts to assist in carrying food items.
The CARE Clothing Closet
The C.A.R.E (Career Apparel and Resources for Educational Success) Closet was established in 2018 by the Associated Student Government. The C.A.R.E Closet was established to provide immediate basic need items to EVC students. The closet is maintained by the Associated Student Government as part of their annual budget. The closet is located in Gullo I-106.
Items Available:
The C.A.R.E. Clothing Closet has an assortment of everyday clothing attire, gently used business clothing, outerwear, children's clothing, and shoes. In addition, students can also access blankets, pillows, diapers, towels, hygiene kits, and feminine products.
How To Donate
The Associated Student Government is available to accept donations in order to keep the shelves of the C.A.R.E Closet stocked. Please drop off all donations to the Associated Student Government Office in Gullo I-204 or FRESH Assistance Center AR-121 during normal business hours on Fridays ONLY.
Below is the list of items the pantry is always in need of:
Soap, Toilet Paper, Shampoo, Conditioner, Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Floss, Lotion, Deodorant, Feminine Hygiene Products, Diapers, Laundry Detergent, Towels.
ASG Emergency Funds
The Associated Student Government offers two forms of Emergency Funding:
- $500 to be used towards Emergency Situations
- $500 EVC Bookstore Vouchers
Eligibility Requirements
Students must provide proof of current enrollment in a minimum of six units. Returning students must have a minimum 2.0 GPA.
Students must provide documentation of stated emergency such as a utility bill, eviction letter, etc. ASG reserves the right to deny applications deemed as non-catastrophic, non-emergency, and/or a foreseen event.
Students may only apply for and receive funding once a full calendar year. Students who have previously received funding must wait 365 days from the date of their first application before becoming eligible for another grant.
Students who owe more than $100 to the San Jose Evergreen Community College District will be ineligible to receive funding
For more information click here: ASG Emergency Funds
How can faculty and staff get involved?
Evergreen Valley College Strategic Plan
Did you know that Evergreen Valley College was one of the first community colleges in the state to include Basic Needs Services within our 2019-2022 Strategic Plan?
As a result, Evergreen Valley College has continued to keep Basic Needs at the forefront. Faculty and Staff can continue to ensure this strategic initiative is met by supporting EVC's Basic Needs in a variety of ways including:
- Consider adding a Service Learning component through your course or special program
- Post EVC's Basic Needs Resource flyer within your program, office newsletters/emails, or within your office space
- Share Basic Needs events announcement widely with students or publish events to your Canvas page
Read below for a few more detailed ways that you can get involved:
Examples of Faculty Syllabus Statements
Consider adding a statement on your course syllabus:
EVC recognizes that various factors may affect your ability to thrive in this class. In particular, students who have difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to each every day or who lack a safe and stable place to live, may find that their situation affects their performance. I encourage such students to contact the Basic Needs Coordinator for support and resources such as: access to emergency funding, food vouchers, and the EVC Fresh Market Pantry located inside of Gullo I . You may also notify me, if you feel comfortable doing so, and I will do my best to help you identify and arrange other resources.
Any student who faces challenges securing their food or housing and believes this may affect their performance in the course is urged to contact the Basic Needs Director for support or resources such as access to emergency funding, food vouchers, and the EVC Fresh Market Pantry located inside of Gullo I.
Volunteer At Second Harvest Food Distribution Or EVC FRESH Day Farmer's Market
We encourage Faculty and Staff to volunteer one day of the semester at either the Farmer's Market Day or the EVC Second Harvest Food Distribution.
Check the FRESH Farmer's Market Days and Second Harvest Food Distribution dates
Staff and Faculty sign up for a volunteer date or to adopt a Service Day.
Host a Basic Needs Student Ambassador In Your Program or Office
Student peers serve as the best way to inform other students on EVC's campus of the available resources on campus. Basic Needs Student Ambassadors assist with posting on social media pages, hosting CalFresh tables within your office, assisting students with the FRESH Application, and assisting during campus basic needs events. All positions are paid. Students can work up to 20 hours a week and earn $18 an hour.
As part of the Basic Needs Student Ambassador program, Special/Academic Programs or Division Offices agree to sponsor at minimum at least one Basic Needs-related program, workshop, and/or event a month for their students to receive information about on-campus Basic Needs Resources. Programs also agree to post information about Basic Needs Resources and announcements and key dates related to upcoming Basic Needs events within their program newsletters to students.
Current Offices Hosting Student Peers:
- Financial Aid
- Foster Youth
- International Program
- Umoja-Affirm
If you are interested in hosting a student peer within your special program or academic special program, please email the Basic Needs Coordinator at: america.minjares@evc.edu to begin the process.
Host a Classroom or Special/Academic Program Activity
Students have stated that having faculty and staff encourage them on a consistent basis to access basic needs resources has helped to end the stigma attached.
Here are some fun ways you can support current basic needs initiatives and activities on campus:
- Attend an EVC FRESH Farmer's Market Day as a class! They occur every second and fourth Thursday of the month 9:30 am - 1:00 pm inside of the Central Green.
- Send your students on a group scavenger hunt to discover various student support services on campus.
- Ask your students what services they have used on campus as part of a class discussion.
- Have the Office of Student Life give a presentation to your class about existing services.
- Include a Basic Needs Service-Learning Component in your Class or Student Club/Organization
- Include a fun class project or class assignment related to basic needs within your course
Basic Needs Annual Report
Research has shown a significant relationship between food insecurity, GPA, concentration, and energy levels. As such, EVC recognizes that secure access to food and housing is essential to academic success in higher education and must, therefore, be treated as a top educational priority. As such, we publish annual reports that examine the previous academic year's data of our efforts to reduce food insecurity, housing insecurity, and other forms of basic needs. This data examines our efforts through an equity lens and drives us to positively impact as many of our students as possible in order to close equity gaps and positively impact academic success. Please feel free to read through our reports:
Current Year (2021-2022 Academic Year)- Coming Soon!