SLOs identify the knowledge, skills and attitudes that students will be able to demonstrate as a result of their engagement in a particular course, program and collegiate experiences at Evergreen Valley College. All SLOs need to be assessed within a 2-year cycle for academic and Career Technical Education courses (based on program review requirements). Course level SLOs are available through course syllabi and the official course outline of record (curriQunet). Program level SLOs are listed under "degrees and certificates" in the catalog.

Institutional/General Education Learning Outcomes (ILOs).
ILOs are knowledge, skills and abilities a student is expected to leave an institution with as a result of a student's total experience. The faculty and staff at Evergreen Valley College believe that General Education (GE) Outcomes represent a common core of outcomes for the majority of students transferring or receiving degrees; therefore, Evergreen created ILOs encompassing GE components, as well as student support service areas.
Upon completion of study at Evergreen Valley College…
Communication ILO:
The student will demonstrate the use of effective communication that is inclusive and appropriate for the audience and the purpose of the task.
Information Competency ILO:
The student will define and support an information need with credible sources while also recognizing that privilege and biases exist within the creation of information.
Inquiry and Reasoning ILO:
The student will critically evaluate information to interpret ideas and solve problems while considering equitable and inclusive best practices.
Personal Development ILO:
The student will demonstrate growth and self-management to promote life-long learning and personal well-being.
Social Responsibility ILO:
Students will incorporate ethical, social, and environmental implications in their choices to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in their community.
SLO Coordinator:
Rahmon Pashtunyar
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Assessment.
The purpose of the Student Learning Outcome Assessment Committee (SLOAC) is to oversee and guide the college process for writing/incorporating SLOs and assessment across the curriculum and programs. The committee shapes the college's approach to assessment by providing a common assessment language through SLO Assessment Plans and the standardized assessment reporting templates. The committee strives to support a campus culture of assessment by encouraging assessment dialogue and sharing best practices to improve student learning and integrate results into college planning.Committee Charge