President's Message
Welcome to Evergreen Valley College proudly serving the foothills of San Jose since 1975. Evergreen Valley College’s mission is to empower and prepare students from diverse backgrounds to succeed academically and to be civically responsible global citizens.
As a student attending Evergreen Valley you will find classes for transfer to the university, classes for new careers, classes training for specific careers, basic skills classes and opportunities for personal enrichment. The college also offers a wide range of student activities and student clubs to give you many leadership opportunities and experiences.
The college is accredited through the Western Association of Schools and Colleges to ensure that your units will transfer, and to ensure that you are getting a quality education.
I am pleased that you have selected Evergreen Valley College for your education. I urge you to take advantage of the many services and opportunities which are available to you in meeting your own educational goals and objectives.
We are here for you and wish you all the success in your educational future.
Vinicio J. López, Ed.D.

Vinicio J. López, Ed.D.
Penny L. Garibay,
Executive Administrative Assistant
Office of the President
See all of our staff in the President's office
Administration & Leadership
Vinicio J. López - President
Matais Pouncil - Vice President of Academic Affairs
Andrea Alexander - Vice President of Administrative Services
Howard Willis - Vice President of Student Affairs
Shara Crary - Nursing & Allied Health
Angel G. Fuentes - Business & Workforce Development, Non Credit, Dual Enrollment
Victor G. Garza - Student Success/Counseling
Robert Gutierrez - Language Arts
Antoinette Herrera - Library & Learning Resources, Math, Science and Engineering
Sam Morgan - Enrollment Services
Sean Stewart - Social Science, Arts, Kinesiology, and Athletics
Niall Adler- Marketing & Public Relations
Janice Assadi - Student Health Services
Ebonnie Berry - Financial Aid
Teresa De La Cruz - Special Programs
Michael Osorio - Student Services & Wellness
Sean Stewart - Athletics
Kathy Tran - Business Services
Vacant- Student Development & Activities
Vincent Cabada - Facilities Manager
Michael Casares - Business Services
Juan Manriquez - TRIO Upward Bound
Phong Nguyen - Campus Technology Support Services
Tina Nguyen - Academic Services
Brandon Yanari (Interim) - TRIO Talent Search
Vacant – Custodial