The Transfer Center’s mission is to help students with their transfer process through support services. The center helps students to explore transfer universities that align with a major of interest.
The center staff can help students understand the eligibility criteria and the admissions process for CSU, UC, AICCU, and Out-of-State institutions through the use of web-based tools and resources.

CSU and UC Application Cycles
Need live assistance? Make sure to sign up for one of our many CSU/UC application workshops by accessing our Transfer Center Events
CSU Application Filing Period
Fall Admissions (All CSU):
October 1st - November 30th (All Majors)
Spring Admissions (Every Other CSU):
Deadline between August 1st - August 31st (if open, Major selection limited)
Winter Admissions Deadline (Every Other CSU)
June 1st - June 30th (if open, Major selection limited)
UC Application Filing Period
Fall Admissions (All UC)
Application Due between October 1st to November 30th
*All UC & All majors
*Apply one year before you plan to transfer
Spring Admissions (Every Other UC)
Application due between August 1st to August 31st
*Select UC Campuses and Majors open for admission
*UC Merced is always open for spring admission cycle
*UCSF only accepts Graduate and Professional students for Medical/Health Science
TAG Application Filing period
Fall Admission Cycle (All UC)
September 1st -September 30th (All UC)
Spring 2023 Admission Cycle (Only UC Merced)
May 1st-May30th
CSU/ UC Application Support Help-Desk
When You Should Contact Cal State Apply & UC Application Support?
- Technical issues with the application
- Fee waiver eligibility
- Navigating through the applicant portal
- Password reset requests
- Admission requirements and policies
- Deadline requirements
- Supplemental materials
- Status of your application after it is complete
- Updates or changes to your application after submission
- Requirements regarding the identity of recommenders (only for CSU)
- Check status of letters of recommendation (only for CSU)
- Recommender Portal assistance (only for CSU)
CSU Help-Desk
Phone: 857-304-2087
Note: CAS ID number required
UC Help-Desk
Phone: 800-207-1710
Monday-Friday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. PST
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Transfer Center Scholarships
One student from EVC will be selected to receive the scholarship award each year.
Awards are $10,000 per year for two years towards UC Santa Cruz. All EVC nominated candidates must have overcome adverse socioeconomic circumstances, have a demonstrated commitment to assisting and improving the lives of others, and have financial aid eligibility.
To apply visit UCSC Karl Pister Scholars
Santa Clara University (SCU) Transfer Scholarship
This award is available to qualifying undergraduate students who transfer to Santa Clara University in the fall quarter from EVC. Full details within their Bay Area Community Colleges website.
Pre-Recorded Video Guides
Welcome to our transfer videos! Select quick-videos are available to assist transfer students with their university application, next steps and other processes.
YouTube CSU Application video-guides
YouTube UC Application video-guides
UC Transfer Academic Update (TAU) 5-minute video
*All transfer applicants must submit their TAU, even if they have no changes to report.
Common App YouTube Tutorials
Assist YouTube Tutorial
UCSB Next Steps YouTube Assistance
CSU/UC Dual Admission Program
The UC/CSU Dual Admission Program is intended to increase access to the UC and the CSU for students. The program will guarantee future UC and CSU admission to 2023 high school graduates and beyond who are entering a California community college (CCC) and who commit to transferring within three years. The new Dual Admission program aims to provide students clearer direction as they begin their post-secondary education journey and greater confidence that they will achieve their goal of a four-year degree.
Program Benefits for Students
- Support from participating university campuses and other university support programs throughout their transfer journey
- An admission guarantee to the university campus and major in place after they opt in (provided program requirements are met in the agreement)
- Transfer advising and communication through a UC Transfer Admission Planner (UC TAP) account or CSU Transfer Planner account
- Advising from a university coordinator who will facilitate their communication with campus and CCC advisors
- Access, where available, to university libraries
- Invitations to transfer events
- Preliminary information about financial aid
UC Dual Admission Program
The UC Dual Admission Program is a conditional admission guarantee to a UC campus with a Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program. Participants are offered extra support from UC while they fulfill their transfer requirements at a California Community College. Freshman applicants who applied to UC for the fall 2023, 2024, or 2025 term will qualify for the program if they meet the following criteria:
- They are not admitted to any UC campus to which they applied.
- They have a 3.0 UC GPA at the time of application.
- They are missing one or more A-G subject requirements at the time of high school graduation.
- They will graduate from a California high school.
If you get invited to participate in the Dual Admission Program and would like to participate, follow these steps:
- Accept your offer: Opt-in to the UC Dual Admission program by the deadline through your UC application.
- Choose your UC campus and fulfill that school’s Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) requirements
- Enroll in a California community college
- Create a UC Transfer Admission Planner (UC TAP) account: UC will use the UC TAP tool to communicate with you about the Dual Admission program. Please make sure to use the same email address for UC TAP that you used on your UC application.
- Update UC TAP each academic term
- Apply to transfer to UC!
Additional Information and Resources
For questions about the UC Dual Admission Program, email UCDualAdmission@ucop.edu.
CSU Transfer Success Pathway
The new Transfer Success Pathway program is designed to increase access to the CSU. Transfer Success Pathway students have access to personalized support as they make the transition from community college to a CSU within three years. Eligible students can apply to the program in order to:
- Enter into an agreement with the CSU and receive guaranteed admission to the degree program and campus of their choice (if all requirements are met)
- Receive personalized guidance from CSU representatives to create an educational plan that will help them transfer within three years or less
- Map out their coursework using the CSU Transfer Planner portal to ensure they're on track for their degree
Students may be eligible if:
- They are recent high school graduates or earned a GED and haven't earned any college credit since completing high school.
- They are a first-time freshman entering a California Community College and were not eligible to attend the California State University when they graduated from high school.
- They're first-time freshmen who were eligible to attend the CSU, but didn’t do so because of personal or financial reasons.
- They were admitted to a CSU campus, but the campus wasn’t their first choice.
If you received an invitation to join the CSU Transfer Success Pathway and would like to participate, follow these steps:
- Create an account on the CSU Transfer Planner.
- Find your right fit: Explore any or all of the CSU’s 23 member universities (www.calstate.edu/campusmatch) and more than 4,000 degree programs (www.calstate.edu/degrees) to find the right fit. Once you’ve chosen a university and a major, be sure to review the degree program transfer requirements in the CSU Transfer Planner.
- Sign an agreement with your chosen CSU by September 30: Choose a start date and sign one agreement with the university you selected and you’re guaranteed admission to your chosen university for a future term! (You can only have one agreement, though you are able to cancel the agreement through the CSU Transfer Planner if your plans change.)
- Access CSU services: In addition to the services you receive from your community college, as a student in the Transfer Success Pathway program you can get support and answers to your questions – including pre-admission advising – through your CSU.
Additional Information and Resources
University Representatives:
Appointment Directories
Front Desk Staff
Luis Murguia Rodriguez
See all our staff in the Transfer Center