Evergreen Valley College Veterans Freedom Center (VFC) is proud to provide a supportive learning environment where our Veteran and Dependent students focus on academic success and guidance to achieve their academic goals.
EVC's Veteran student population provides a community of support to fellow Veteran peers and a welcoming space.
Evergreen Valley College welcome all military connected students and dependents to utilize the services of the VFC.
We provide a space for students to study, socialize, relax, hang-out with peers and access resources to enhance academic and personal success.

Thank you Veterans.
- Our goal is to serve as the primary point of contact to assist with:
- Veterans Affairs (VA) Education Benefits Certification Process
- Veteran Counseling Services
- Assistance with accessing campus/community resources
- Provide a community for Veteran students
Additionally we have on site:
- Study lounges with computers and free printing
- Veteran Events in the VFC
- Direct access to Veteran Counselors
- Assistance with accessing campus and community resources
Getting Started
1. Apply to EVC
Apply online on the OpenCCC website, an online application system used by Evergreen Valley College and other California community colleges.
Registration Instructions
You can view the PDF instructions on how to register for classes through Self-Service here.
You can view a YouTube video on how to register for classes through Self-Service here.
2. New Veteran/Dependent Student Instructions
New Veteran or Dependent Students: Follow the Veterans Benefits Certification Instructions Form: New Students
Please use this form as a checklist to keep record of what you have completed to receive your Educational Benefits.
For any questions please contact our office at evcvet@evc.edu
3. Returning & Continuing Veteran/Dependent Student Instructions
Returning* Veteran or Dependent Students:
Follow the Veterans Benefit Certification Instructions: Returning & Continuing Students
*You are considered a returning student if you have previously attended EVC and did not re-enroll for more than 2 consecutive semesters
Please use the form above as a checklist to keep record of what you have completed to receive your Educational Benefits.
For any questions please contact our office at evcvet@evc.edu
Continuing Veteran or Dependent Students:
Complete Class Certification Form each semester you are taking classes at EVC and submit it in accordance with your approved Education Plan to mailto:evcvet@evc.edu.
If there are any changes in your Class Certification Form, please contact our office as soon as possible.
Please note, the VA will not pay for any courses that are not approved on your Ed Plan.
4. Educational Benefits
VA Chapter Benefits
Please note: GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.
The GI Bill® Comparison Tool will help you make the most of your benefits
Forever GI Bill® - Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act
Department of Veteran Affairs - Forever GI Bill®
CAL-VET: Students who qualify for CAL-VET benefits should contact the Financial Aid Office. Email: evcfa@evc.edu
- Unit Load to Qualify for GI Bill®: See table
Unit Load to Qualify for GI Bill® |
Load |
Units for 16-week Session |
Full-time | 12 units | |
3/4 time | 9-11 units | |
1/2 time | 6-8 units |
5. FAQs
You can view our FAQ's by clicking here.
If you have any additional questions, please contact us at evcvet@evc.edu with your full name and EVC student ID number.
6. On-Campus Resources
Student Health & Wellness Services
- Student Health & Wellness Services provides free and low cost services to EVC Students.
- Please visit Student Health & Wellness Services to inquire about all the services that are provided.
Disability Support Programs (DSP)
- The mission of the Disabilities Support Program (DSP) is to enable a diverse population of students with a broad spectrum of disabilities to participate in and access all aspects of the college community. The Disabilities Support Program is committed to accessibility for all students, and ensuring that EVC DSP students are fully integrated, productive and assertive participants in their own educational process. Please visit DSP for more information
Extended Opportunities Programs and Services (EOPS)
- Extended Opportunities Programs and Services (EOPS) and Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) is a state funded program established to assist low income and academically disadvantaged California residents to be successful in college.
- EOPS/CARE provides eligible students with support services such as early registration, personal and academic counseling, transfer assistance and may include grants and book assistance. Please visit EOPS for more information.
- CalWORKs is a public assistance program that provides cash aid and services to eligible families that have a child(ren) in the home. The program serves all 58 counties in the state and is operated locally by county welfare departments. Please visit CalWORKs for more information.
Student Panty & Other Resources
- The EVC student Panty & other resources (F.R.E.S.H Market, C.A.R.E Clothing closet) are available to current EVC students. Please visit Student Pantry & Resources for more information.
Degrees & Certificates
- A list of EVC degrees and certificates with overview and course requirements.
Campus Map
- EVC Campus Map
7. Off-Campus Resources
San Jose Veterans Center
- San Jose Veterans Center provides the following services
- Individual and group counseling for Veterans, Service members, and their families
- Family counseling for military related issues
- Bereavement (grief) counseling
- Military sexual trauma counseling and referral
- Community outreach and education
- Substance abuse assessment and referral
- Employment referral
- Referral of other VA services
Veterans Crisis Line
- Veterans Crisis Line – The Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline.
Getting Copy of DD-214
- Visit the National Veterans Foundation website for up to date information on obtaining a copy of your DD-214.
Education & Training
- A listing of handouts and forms for educational and training programs
8. Minimum Unit Requirement
Please use the following flow chart to determine minimum unit requirement:

9. Student Rep Fee
Effective February 20th 2024, the VA will no longer pay for the Student Representation Fee ($2).
Students using VA Educational Benefits (Ch. 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 1606) are responsible for paying this fee each term that they register classes for unless they choose to opt-out.
Veterans Counselor Spring 2025 Schedule
Please call our office at 40-223-6789 to schedule an appointment with our Veterans counselor.
Office Hours
Spring 2025 Hours:
Mon-Thur: 8:30am-5:00pm
Fridays 9:00am-1:00pm
Connect With Us
P: 408-223-6789
E: evcvet@evc.edu
A: S-1027, Student Services Complex, 3095 Yerba Buena Rd. San Jose, CA 95135
Center Services
- Computer lab with free printing
- Kitchenette with microwave
- Student lounge area
- AB13: VACA Affidavit
- Class Certification Form
- Veterans Student Shopping Sheet
- Veterans Benefit Certification Instructions: New Student
- Veterans Benefit Certification Instructions: Returning & Continuing Students
- Veteran Major/Contact Change Form
Iriana Zavala Camacho
Tiffani P. Lam
See all our Veterans Freedom Center staff
Tools & Resources