The Computer Programming Certificate is designed to provide students with skills in computer programming to enable graduates in gaining employment as an entry-level programmer. Courses will emphasize skills on how to organize a computer program, and how to program in several different languages such as Python and Java. A minimum of 6 units at EVC must be completed within the certificate.

What is a Program Map?
A program map is a suggested semester-by-semester plan to help you complete the courses required for a particular degree or certificate. It is based on the major sheet for the particular degree or certificate you are interested in. It includes courses required for the major, general education and any necessary electives.
A program map is a representation of the major sheet. It includes the specific specialty courses in a major, general education courses and any necessary electives.
What is a Major Sheet?
A major sheet includes a description of the program you are interested in, what you can expect to learn once you have completed the program (Program Learning Outcomes) and the specific specialty courses you will need to complete within a major.