Welcome to EVC and we are excited to teach you English with our ESL classes.

Guided Self-Placement for English as a Second Language (ESL) Students
To find out which classes are right for you, ESL students take the Guided Self-Placement (GSP) at Evergreen Valley College. If you would like to register for ESL classes at EVC and would like to take the Guided Self-Placement, please make an appointment using the Calendly link to schedule. You may also contact Veronica Santos at (408) 274-7900,6775 or email EVC.ESL@evc.edu to make an appointment.
For details about our courses, you can look at the course descriptions in our College Catalog. You will be able to see materials for each of the five levels of ESL, including reading, writing, grammar, and listening and speaking materials.
Learn more about our classes today!
After you have applied to the college, attained an EVC Student ID, attended the ESL GSP session, and completed a college orientation, you can register for classes. Here’s our schedule of classes. Select English as a Second Language from the menu.
ESL and the San Jose Library
In a partnership with the San Jose Library, EVC offers non-credit (free) lower level ESL classes at the following libraries
Alum Rock
Alum Rock
Educational Park
Seven Trees

Tools & Resources