Nursing Policies.

Students Requesting to Return

Purpose: To establish guidelines for students requesting to return to the EVC Nursing Program Policy Statement:

Policy Statement: 

The policy is intended to clarify when a student may request to return and return to the EVC Nursing program. Students may request to return to the nursing program only one (1) time following program separation due to a course failure or course withdrawal from any nursing major course.

In addition, this policy clarifies the maximum length of time allowed to complete the nursing courses. All nursing courses must be completed within three years of the original program entry date. Students who separate from the nursing program must complete and timely submit a request to return to the program within two semesters of their separation semester.

In limited circumstances, the Nursing Program will consider exceptions in compliance with the Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

A. Definition of Returning Student

A “returning student” is defined as a student who has at any time been enrolled in one (1) or more courses in the Evergreen Valley College Nursing Program. All students who have enrolled in an EVC nursing major course and attended class at least one (1) day will be considered an “enrolled” student.

B. Exceptions

Students who leave the program because of being called to active military duty are able to return to the program without the leave being identified as a separation.

C. Procedure

  1. Students eligible to return to the program must complete the “Request to Return to the Nursing Program” form (see Request to Return page)
  2. Requests must be submitted, and received, by the posted due dates.
  3. Students eligible to return must submit written documentation evidencing their compliance with faculty recommendations for remediation. The faculty and the dean will evaluate each student’s request to return on an individual basis.
  4. Students eligible to return will be selected on a space available basis according to the following priority:

a. Students continuing in the program (e.g, those who have not taken any time off and do not submit a Request to Return form)

b. Students returning from active military duty

c. Students granted a leave if the reasons for their leave have been resolved

Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)Compliance Statement

  1. Section 504 and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance Statement

Purpose: To comply with the Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as amended by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008

Policy Statement:

The Nursing Program does not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities.

    1. Disability is defined in the ADA as: 1) physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individuals; 2) a record of such impairment; 3) being regarded as having such impairment.
    2. For the purposes of the Evergreen Valley College Division of Nursing and Allied Health compliance, a qualified individual with a disability is one who, with or without reasonable accommodation, meets the essential requirements of the Nursing Program of the Evergreen Valley College Division of Nursing and Allied Health. These requirements are described in the following: Essential Capabilities and Functional Requirements.

The Program may decline to provide an accommodation when an individual poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others; if granting an accommodation would result in a fundamental alteration in the nature of a service, program, or activity; or if the accommodation poses undue financial and administrative burdens on the College.

Applicants and students are responsible for formally seeking accommodations through DSP and notifying the Program of any restrictions due to a disability.

Essential Capabilities

A.    An Evergreen Valley College Division of Nursing and Allied Health student must have the abilities and skills of five (5) varieties: Cognitive-Conceptual, Behavioral and Social Attributes, Communication, Sensory, and Motor. A student should be able to perform in a reasonably independent manner without the use of a surrogate. To function effectively and safely the student must be able to do the following:

    1. COGNITIVE-CONCEPTUAL: Critical thinking and clinical judgment are essential abilities of the professional nurse. These abilities include measurement, calculation, reasoning, analysis and synthesis.
    2. BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL ATTRIBUTES: A student must possess the emotional stability required for full utilization of his or her intellectual abilities. The prompt completion of all responsibilities, inherent to the diagnosis and care of patients’ responses and the development of mature, sensitive and effective relationships with patients are essential. The student must be able to tolerate physically taxing workloads and to multitask effectively and efficiently under stress. They must be able to adapt to changing environments; to display flexibility and learn to function effectively, despite the uncertainties inherent in the clinical situations; to interact and establish rapport with individuals, families, and groups from a variety of social, emotional, cultural, and intellectual backgrounds. Compassion, integrity, honesty, concern for others, interpersonal skills, interest and motivation are all personal qualities that should be demonstrated throughout the education process.
    3. COMMMUNICATION: A student must be able to speak, hear and observe clients in order to elicit information, describe changes in mood, activity and posture, and perceive nonverbal communications. A student must be able to communicate effectively and sensitively with clients, colleagues, and other personnel. Communication includes not only speech but also reading and writing. The student must be able to communicate in English effectively and efficiently in oral and written form with all members of the health care team, clients, and families. (See specific Functional Requirements.)
    4. SENSORY: A student must be able to observe a client accurately. Observation necessitates the functional use of the senses of vision, smell, touch, hearing and somatic sensation. (See specific Functional Requirements.)
    5. MOTOR: Student should have sufficient motor function to elicit information from clients by palpation, auscultation, percussion and other assessment techniques. A student should be able to execute gross and fine motor movements required to provide general care and emergency treatment of patients. Many actions require coordination of both gross and fine muscular movements, equilibrium and functional use of the senses of touch and vision. (See specific Functional Requirements, which are based on community standards of health care agencies.)

B. These capabilities must be demonstrated in the clinical, laboratory, and theory (classroom) interactions and evaluations. 

​​Functional Requirements

A. The Functional Requirements described below are representative, but not limited, to those that must be met by an individual to successfully perform the essential functions of a professional nurse.

  1. Communication Ability
      1. Communicate effectively and efficiently in English with clients, families, and other health care providers, both verbally and in writing. (Example: explain treatment procedures, teach clients and families, and document in charts.)
      2. Effectively adapt communication for intended audience.
      3. Interact; establish rapport with individuals, families, and groups from a
      4. variety of social emotional, cultural and intellectual backgrounds.
      5. Assume the role of a health care team member.
      6. Function effectively under supervision.
  2. Sensory Capability
      1. Coordinate verbal and manual instruction.
      2. Assess a patient from 10 feet away to observe posture and response to treatment.
      3.  Respond to a timer, alarm or cries for help.
      4. Auditory, visual, and tactile ability sufficient to assess a patient status and perform treatments. (Example: color changes in skin, hear heart and lung sounds.)
  3. Motor Capability:
  1. Move from room to room and maneuver in small spaces.
  2. Transfer clients who may require physical assistance.
  3. Guard and assist clients with ambulation.
  4. Perform exercise techniques, including applying resistance during exercise.
  5. Lift and carry up to 50 pounds, and exert up to 100 pounds force or push/pull.
  6. Squat, crawl, bend/stoop, reach above shoulder level, use standing balance, and climb stairs
  7. Use hands repetitively; use manual dexterity. h. Perform CPR.
  8. Travel to and from academic and clinical sites.
  9. Spend 75%-90% of clinical time standing/walking. 

Student Criminal Background Check and Urine Drug Screening

Policy:  The 2004 Manual for Hospitals published by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of hospitals and Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), the major accreditation body for hospitals, requires that all staff members, students, faculty and volunteers meet standards relating to criminal background checks and freedom from drugs.  In conformance with these requirements, and in order to maintain clinical relationships with hospitals and other health organizations, students in the nursing program are required to undergo and pass criminal background checks and drug screening.  Effective the 2018-2019 academic year, incoming students and those returning from a leave of absence will be subject to annual background checks and urine drug screening.


  1. Costs:  Students are responsible for the costs associated with the annual criminal background check and drug screen.  As described below, any further drug screening required by the Program based on a reasonable suspicion of drug use, will be paid by the College. 
  2. Authorization and Release:  When submitting to the background check and the drug screen, students must sign an authorization, agreeing that all results will be disclosed to the nursing program and the clinical sites where the student is being assigned. 
  3. Criminal Background Check: Upon acceptance in the nursing program, students must undergo a criminal background check, and thereafter on an annual basis. Failure to submit and complete the criminal background check will result in dismissal from the program. The nursing program will assess the results of the background check, and, consistent with the law, may dismiss the student from the program.
  4. Urine Drug Screen:
    1. The nursing program maintains a no tolerance policy regarding substance abuse.  Upon acceptance, all students must pass and clear a urine drug test.
    2. At any time while a student is in the nursing program, the program may direct a student to undergo and pass a drug screen where the program has a reasonable suspicion that the student is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.  The nursing program will pay for this drug screen.
    3. If the results of a drug screen come back with a result other than "clear" or "negative," the student will be allowed one (1) retest within a period of time specified by the nursing program. If the results of the retest are neither clear nor negative, the student will be dismissed from the program.
    4. Failure to undergo the drug screening at any time will result in dismissal    from the program.
  5. Outside Agencies: Students must also comply with the criminal background check and drug policies of the clinical agency where they will be placed.  Should a clinical agency refuse to place a student based on the outcome of the background check or drug screen, this may result in dismissal of the student from the EVC nursing program.  The EVC nursing program is not required to, and may refuse to, arrange an alternative clinical placement.

Leave of Absence

Purpose: Provide guidelines for students who are requesting to separate from the nursing program for personal or medical reasons.

Policy Statement:

  1. The application for Leave of Absence must state clearly the basis for the requested leave and the duration of the leave. If the leave is for academic related reasons, that information must be clearly stated. Documentation that substantiates the reason for the personal or medical leave must be submitted with the application. Documentation of the need for a medical leave does not include diagnostic or other private medical information.
  2. Leave may be granted for two consecutive semesters. However, in some circumstances, enrollment in program may be full and there may not be a space available in your preferred semester to return.
  3. Students must complete all nursing courses within three years of the original program entry date.
  4. Upon approval of the application for Leave of Absence, the student's transcript at the college will document that a leave of absence was taken and for what period of time.
  5. The Nursing Faculty has added the following guidelines to clarify this policy for nursing students.
  1. The reason for the leave must be stated in writing to the nursing program. 
  2. A medical leave must be supported by a certification from a health care provider stating that the student is unable to participate in the program because of a serious health condition or disability for which there is no accommodation without creating risk to the safety of the student, staff, or patients. The certification must also provide an anticipated date of the ability to return.
  3. Other reasons must be clearly stated and should demonstrate that the student had no control over the situation and could not have anticipated it.
  4. The nursing program will provide written notification to the student whether their request for leave is granted, the length of the leave (e.g., when the leave expires), and the time line for reapplication to the program.

Students ready to return to the nursing program must follow the Request to Return Policy 


California Board of Registered Nursing:  Supplemental sunset review report 2016.  Retrieved  

at .

SB-466 Registered Nurses:  Board of registered nursing.  Retrieved at

Students walking out of school building

Contact Nursing & Allied Health

Please note that the Nursing & Allied Health Department has moved temporarily to the Acacia building. We will permanently relocate to the Sequoia building for the Spring 2025.

Dr. S. Lu Crary
Dean of Nursing & Allied Health
(408) 223-6779 

Will Sapigao
Nursing Counselor
Make a counseling appointment: (408) 270-6475
Office (Summer 2024): SC-223
Office (Fall 2024): S-2051 (in the new Student Services complex)

Austin Hunter
Nursing Program Coordinator
(408) 270-6448

Denise Medina
Instructional Support Lab Tech IV
(408) 274-7900 ext. 6890