Evergreen Valley College offers a transfer degree in English and a variety of courses to expand your literature horizons. Earning an English degree hones critical thinking, writing, and communication skills. With an English degree, graduates can work in education, publishing, and media.

Earn a Degree with English
To earn a degree from Evergreen Valley College, students must pass English 001A. Some other English coursework may also be required, depending on your major.
See the complete list of Course Descriptions.
Literature Classes
Please click the Literature Classes tab above for more information on our Literature classes on gender, culture, and other literary endeavors.

Leaf by Leaf Magazine
Every Spring the English Department gathers student work for an annual Literary Magazine. Awards are given to the top categories. Each of the issues can be found at evcleafbyleaf.com.
Degrees & Certificates
See the complete catalog for English Courses and Degrees.
Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T)
English (PDF)

Sample Degree Map
Please click the links below on an example of how you can complete your degree at Evergreen Valley College. We highly suggest you make an appointment with a counselor to discuss your education goals.

A program map is a suggested semester-by-semester plan to help you complete the courses required for a particular degree or certificate. It is based on the major sheet for the particular degree or certificate you are interested in. It includes courses required for the major, general education and any necessary electives.
A program map is a representation of the major sheet. It includes the specific specialty courses in a major, general education courses and any necessary electives.
A major sheet includes a description of the program you are interested in, what you can expect to learn once you have completed the program (Program Learning Outcomes) and the specific specialty courses you will need to complete within a major.
Lit Classes
Depending on the semester, the Evergreen Valley College English Department offers the following literature classes:
- World Mythology (ENGL 028)
- Gender in Literature (ENGL 032
- Mexican-American Literature (ENGL 080)
- African-American Literature (ENGL 082A)
- Survey of English Literature (ENGL 086A
- Intro to World Literature (HUM 002)

World Mythology
The course investigates cross-cultural patterns of myths: gods and goddesses of earth and sky, hunt and harvest; the cycle of the hero; the creation, destruction, and renewal of the world; myths as potent forces today in literature and the arts as well as in everyday life. Learn about matriarchal and patriarchal social structure, Good Kings and bad, Egyptian embalming, the goddess Isis, the African Spider God – Anansi, the world tree, the monster Grendel, the hero Rostam, and many more.
Gender in Literature
This introductory survey of literature focuses on the stereotyped and individualized characterizations of gender in multicultural literature, including fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, and film. Students will read, discuss, and write about literary images of men and women, representations of gender in literature, portrayals of gender-based attitudes and values, and how writing can change conventional views of gender.

Mexican-American Literature
This course surveys selected Mexican-American authors to develop an awareness of Mexican-Americans' experiences and literary contributions in the United States. It is designed to heighten critical awareness of the image of Mexican-Americans in distinct genres of literature. The focus will be on works from the 20th century to the present.
African-American Literature
Students study the African-American experience in America as viewed through the literary works of African-American authors from slavery to 1930. The course is designed to analyze the various and unique social scientific approaches - namely the historical, the psychological, the sociological, the artistic and the philosophical - that African-American authors employ to expose, explore and, in general, inform an often unreceptive reading audience.

Writing Help
Students can go to the Tutoring Center or online at evc.edu/tutoring for help with writing assignments.
The EVC tutoring center provides free tutoring services and support in various subjects for registered EVC students. The tutoring program also recruits and trains new student tutors each semester, providing job opportunities for students during their academic time at EVC. Tutoring is available on a drop-in, open-lab basis, and appointments are unnecessary.
For research-related questions, students can go to the second floor of the Library or online at evc.edu/library.