Drop for Non Payment

The San José Evergreen Community College District is implementing a drop for nonpayment to help students from incurring debt in future terms and years thus limiting financial liability, ensure compliance with state fiscal mandates, combat fraudulent enrollment, and clear course waitlists to maximize the efficiency of the class schedule.

If you owe over $100, you will be dropped on the following dates.

Drop for Non-Payment Dates

  • January 9, 2025 - Drop for Non Payment will begin at 5 a.m. on January 9. Registration and payment services will be unavailable from January 8 at 10 p.m. to January 9 at 4 p.m.
  • January 23, 2025 (Course registration and TouchNet will be offline to enter into payment plan from Wednesday, January 22, at 10:00 p.m. through Thursday, January 23, at 2:00 p.m.)

It is incumbent upon the student to be familiar with payment deadlines and to fulfill financial obligations by the stated payment deadlines ultimately.  Additionally, the District and its Colleges are not responsible.

The Drop for Non Payment schedule is available at evc.edu/events under Financial Aid and is also at the top of this page.


  • Pay online through Self-Services at  sso.sjeccd.edu  under the "student finance" tab.
  • You can also setup a  Payment Plan with TouchNet
  • Pay in person with cash, a check or credit card at the Admissions & Records Office
  • Pay by phone at 408.270.6441



Students not dropped from course(s) due to nonpayment if they meet one or more of the following conditions.

  • Student has an unpaid balance under $100
  • Student has an approved payment plan via TouchNet
  • Student is sponsored by a third party and has received confirmation from the College of the anticipated aid that payment is pending
  • Student with anticipated financial aid (e.g., California College Promise Grant awardee)
  • Student has been granted California Assembly Bill 540 (AB 540) status by one of the college’s Admissions & Records Office
  • Student is enrolled in concurrent or dual enrollment courses
  • Student is assigned a fee payment extension by Admissions & Records Office or Business Services Office
  • Student identified in Colleague as:
    • Athlete
    • CalWORKs
    • EOPS
    • Foster Youth
    • International Student
    • Veteran


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. When will the drop for nonpayment begin?
    The drop for nonpayment will begin with intersession/spring 2025.
  2. What is the maximum dollar amount students can owe to be exempt from the drop for nonpayment?
    Students who owe more than $100 will be dropped for nonpayment.
  3. What fees are counted towards the outstanding balance for students?
    All fees are being counted towards the outstanding balance for students including, but not limited to, enrollment fees or tuition, health services fee, student activity fee, student representation fee, parking permit fee, class material fees, and transportation fee.
  4. Will students be dropped from courses once the course has begun?
    No, students cannot be dropped from courses once the course has begun.
  5. Will students who are dropped for nonpayment be able to reregister for classes?
    Yes, students can reregister for classes after being dropped for nonpayment but there is no guarantee that students will be able to register for the original classes that were dropped.
  6. What happens to students who are on course waitlists?
    Students who are on course waitlists will automatically be moved into the course assuming seat availability.
  7. Will students be notified if they are moved from the course waitlist into a course?
    Yes, students will receive written notification that they have moved from the course waitlist into a course.
  8. Does the drop for nonpayment apply to both Evergreen Valley College and San José City College?
    Yes, the drop for nonpayment applies to both colleges.
  9. Will students with an outstanding balance be able to register for courses in future terms?
    No, students with an outstanding balance in excess of $100 will have a hold placed on their educational record with both colleges preventing course registration for future terms.
  10. Why is the drop for nonpayment being implemented?
    To address student debt, comply with state mandates, tackle fraudulent enrollment, and clear course waitlists to maximize the efficiency of the class schedule.
  11. What happens if a student does not pay their outstanding balance?
    Students may be reported to the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Tax Offset Program (COTOP) at the discretion and approval of the San José Evergreen Community College District Board of Trustees.