Fall Classes to Consider

Search the Class Schedule for a full list of Classes

WAITLISTS: Please note that if you are interested in any of our classes that are currently at capacity, space may open up for certain classes closer to the start of the term. This could be because of fraudulent applications (or fake students), students dropping a class, or not showing up.  We encourage students to add themselves to the waitlist for classes they are interested in for possible inclusion.

*-Classes below that could satisfy General Education requirements

The Arts

  • ART 012 (123448) 2D Design
  • ART 024 (123451) Beginning Drawing
  • ART 026A (123466) Representational Drawing
  • ART 055 Life Drawing
  • ART 060 Painting
  • ART 068 Casting for Small Metals
  • ART 075 Small Metals and Jewelry
  • MUSIC 052 Guitar
  • MUSIC 053 Voice
  • MUSIC 093 (123651, 123652) Intro to Film Music
  • MUSIC 099 (123656, 123657) Introductory Music
  • MUSIC 190 (123659, 123660) Applied Music
  • *Theatre 020 (123743) Intro to Theatre
  • Theatre 035A (123748) Fall Production of Shakespeare Escapes Here
  • *Theatre 040 (123747) Intro to Film

Accounting and Business

  • ACCTG 001A (122768) Financial Accounting
  • ACCTG 001B (122779) Managerial Accounting
  • ACCTG 062 (122759) Cost Accounting
  • ACCTG 097 (122761) Intro to Income Tax
  • BUS 071 (122838, 122842) Legal Environment of Business
  • BIS 109 (122809) MS Office


  • *English 032 (122496) Gender in Literature
  • *English 080 (122497) Mexican-American Literature
  • *English 086A (122502) Survey of 18th Century English Literature

Exploration & History

  • *ANTH 062 (123441) Intro to Physical Anthropology
  • *ANTH 064 (123444) Intro to Archaeology
  • AJ 013 (123430) Criminal Procedures
  • AJ 015 (123433) Intro to Criminal Investigation
  • *ASTRO 010 (122132, 122133) Intro to Astronomy
  • *ASTRO 014 (12214) Solar System Astronomy
  • *ETH 030 (123554) Chicana/o Culture 
  • *HIST 001 (123566) Survey of American History
  • *HIST 010A (123576) Development of Western Culture I
  • *HIST 014 (123567) Women in American History
  • *HIST 021 (123571) African-American History
  • *HIST 035 (123573) California History
  • *POLSC 001 (123697) Politics and Government in America


  • PSYCH 030 (123722, 123724) Intro to Biological Psychology
  • *PSYCH 092 (123732) Developmental Psychology

Hands-On Training

  • CADD 130 (124186) Fundamentals of AutoCAD
  • CADD 133 (123880) Fundamentals of Autodesk Inventor
  • CADD 134 (123935) Advanced Solidworks
  • CADD 140A (123879) Technical Graphics
  • CADD 142 (123936) Dimension and Tolerancing
  • WWT 100 (122936) Water/Wastewater Technology
  • WWT 105 (122935) Water Distribution Systems


  • AUTO 125 (123056) Automotive Electronics
  • AUTO 173 (123072) Automotive Service Operations
  • AUTO 132B (123060) Honda IST B

Computer Science

  • COMSC 020 (122029, 122031) Intro to Programming
  • COMSC 028 (122032) Data Science
  • COMSC 041 (122035) Programming Concepts and Methods
  • COMSC 075 Computer Science I
  • COMSC 076 (122043) Computer Science II
  • COMSC 080 (122048) Discrete Structures


  • KINS 047 Tennis
  • KINS 053 Walking and Jogging
  • KINS 056 Weight Training