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How to Apply to EVC.
Thank you for choosing Evergreen Valley College to help you achieve your goals.
The Admissions and Records department is where you will begin your educational journey at EVC, and we will guide and support you along the way.
It all starts with 5 easy steps, beginning with “Apply for Admission” – then you are on your way.

1. Apply
1. Apply
Thank you for your interest in making connections that count at Evergreen Valley College. Whether you are here in person or online, we are grateful that you have chosen Evergreen Valley College. We are committed to making sure your experience is as impactful as possible.
We have developed this quick step-by-step process to help guide you through the full application process and our team is here to help and support you.
Your first step to attending EVC is to apply to the college and obtain your Student Identification number (SID).
Apply Online | Dual Enrollment ( K-12) | Noncredit Education
EVC CCCApply Video: Applying to EVC as a New Student |
2. Financial Aid
2. Financial Aid
EVC has a variety of financial aid options. To see which of the following grants and opportunities you may be eligible for, complete the Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- CA Promise Grant
- Pell Grant & FSEOG
- Work Study
- Direct Loans
- Cal Grant
California Dream Act applicants must complete the CA Dream Act Application. You may be eligible for:
- CA Promise Grant
- Cal Grant
3. Orientation
3. Orientation
An Orientation will provide you with general information regarding EVC's services and programs such as transfer and degree requirements, vocational programs, and student services, as well as academic expectations, facilities, and resources available to you. You are required to complete the orientation online.
- Create your Single Sign-On Account for EVC.
- Access the COMEVO Online New Student Orientation: English Version, Vietnamese Version, Spanish Version.
4. Counseling
4. Counseling
Our academic counselors are here to help you select the right classes for the current term, plan for future semesters, and assist you with the transfer process.
In preparation for your counseling appointment, ensure you’ve researched and identified your academic pathway.
- Arts and Media
- Behavioral Sciences and Humanities
- Health + Human Services
- Business
- Industrial Technology and Transportation
You can make your appointment now with a counselor.
Use My Path to help you explore career and pick a major.
5. Register For Classes
5. Register For Classes
Now It’s time for you to register for your classes and get the required course materials! Click on the links below to register for classes and discover what textbooks are required for your courses.
You can buy your textbooks at the EVC bookstore or online. Our bookstore staff is ready to help you find the right books and all the pens, pencils and scantron forms you need.
- Register for your classes
- Waitlist Rules
- Students must meet prerequisite prior to being added to waitlist
- Students are not permitted to enroll and waitlist for multiple sections of the same course
- Students are not allowed to waitlist if a course conflict exists
Quick Links.
See all our staff in the Admissions Office.
A&R Coordinators
Tiffani Lam
A&R Lead Coordinator
Faculty liaison and Veterans certifying official
Anindita Nag
A&R Coordinator II
Application assistance, enrollment help, and payment
A&R Technicians
Carmen Vazquez
A&R Technician
Application assistance, enrollment help, and payment
Contact Carmen if your last name begins with the letters A-I
Jose A. Denton
A&R Technician
Application assistance, enrollment help, and payment
Contact Jose if your last name begins with the letters J-Q
Anali Dimas
A&R Technician
Application assistance, enrollment help, and payment
Contact Anali if your last name begins with the letters R-Z
A&R Assistant
Huong T. Nguyen
A&R Assistant
Application assistance, enrollment help, and payment
Vanphuong Nguyen
Graduation Petitions and transcript evaluation
Office Hours:
Mon, Tues, Thurs: 8 am-5 pm
Wednesday: 8 am-6 pm
Friday: 8 am-1 pm
Phone Hours:
Mon, Tues, Thurs: 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Wednesday: 8:30 am-5:30pm
Fri: 8:30 am-12:30 pm
Location: S-1000T, Student Services Building
Phone: (408) 270-6441
fax #: (408) 223-9351